The Readers Club...Pakistan's first Online Book Rental Service - ItemDescription
Salvatore Tocci
ISBN # : 9780531113462
Publisher: Franklin Watts
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This update of one of Franklin Watts; most popular titles provides step-by-step suggestions for choosing, researching, planning, constructing, displaying, and presenting a science fair project. The book includes photographs and descriptions of more than a dozen award-winning projects.

About the author (1997)

Salvatore Tocci is an American science teacher and author. He taught chemistry and biology at East Hampton High School on Long Island, New York, and organized many science fairs while there. After teaching, he continued to judge local, regional, and national contests, and has also given workshops for science teachers at meetings throughout the country. He has published numerous children's and young adult books in a number of series including: Holt Chemistry, True Books: Science Experiments, True Books: Elements, Great Minds of Science, Out of this World, and Scientific American Winning Science Fair Projects.

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